In this worship series for Lent, services focus on prayers spoken during the Passion of Christ. The...
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Get everything you need to present the entire Savior, Servant, Friend Lent series of products to yo...
Sermon for Ash Wednesday. Theme: Jesus forgives us again and again, even though we do not deserve i...
Sermon for Easter Sunday. Theme: Jesus is our Redeemer, who frees us to live a new life.Digital Dow...
Sermon for Good Friday Theme: Jesus is our Savior, who dies on the cross to reunite us with God and...
Maundy Thursday service. Theme: Jesus is a servant to his friends when he washes their feet and ser...
Sermon for Palm Sunday. Theme: Jesus enters Jerusalem as our king, ready to overthrow sin, death an...
Sermons only for the 4 services of Holy Week (digital download)Sermon themes:Palm Sunday • King: Je...
Sermons only for the 6 weeks of Lent (digital download)Sermon themes:Ash Wednesday • Forgiver: Jesu...
Get the essential resources to fit a smaller congregation with the Savior, Servant, Friend Lent Ser...
Lent provides us with a perfect chance to explore the extraordinary attributes of our Savior, Serva...
Complete worship service for Ash Wednesday. Theme: Jesus forgives us again and again, even though w...
Complete worship service for Easter Sunday. Theme: Jesus is our Redeemer, who frees us to live a ne...
Complete worship service for Good Friday. Theme: Jesus is our Savior, who dies on the cross to reun...