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Sing and Praying with Martin Luther: Martin Luther's Own Hymns for Personal Prayer

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Sing and Praying with Martin Luther: Martin Luther's Own Hymns for Personal Prayer

Author: King Schoenfeld

Publish Date: 8/1/2017
Product Number: SP8
Page Count: 16
Size: 3 7/8 x 5 1/2
Availability: Out of print/Discontinued

$ 1.99
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Who is Martin Luther and what did he do? New members and younger people may wonder what Luther has to say to us today. This prayer book compiled by King Schoenfeld is based on some of Luther’s classic chorales. These hymns give us his very personal words of faith and trust to use as our own. Included are his familiar songs for Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, as well as hymn verses that teach, like his versification of the Lord’s Prayer, and those that encourage, like “A Mighty Fortress.”