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Thanks be to God!: Thanksgiving Stories and Activities for Children

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Thanks be to God!: Thanksgiving Stories and Activities for Children

Author: David Mead

Publish Date: 8/1/2020
Product Number: TK2
Format: Booklet
Page Count: 32
Size: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
Availability: In Stock

$ 1.99
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Delightfully fun stories and activities focusing on giving thanks!

The rhyming poems, prayers and activities in this booklet for primary-aged children focus on the pilgrims first Thanksgiving feast as well as the Israelites journey to the promised land. This fun and fall-friendly booklet is filled with prayers of thanks and praise that encourages children to thank God for every blessing. Ages 3-7.

A wonderfully fun and uplifting Thanksgiving gift to share with children in your church, school or family!