"Not as I will, but as you will,” Jesus prayed to his Father the night before he went to the cross for our salvation. And that is our prayer as well this Lent as we seek to do God’s will in our lives, as we draw near to the observance of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection during Holy Week.
Written by Rev. Justin Rossow, each service in the series focuses on a different aspect of God’s will at work among us. Biblical characters are used as insightful reference points each week to guide us in following our Lord more nearly day by day.
This is a kit of all four Holy Week service kits for the Thy Will Be Done worship series for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter, which includes all the sample bulletins with complete orders of service, monolog sermons (in character role) or outlines for a regular sermon, children’s message, prayers, and music for the accompanist.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Jeff Greunke for excellent contemporary music selections and worship flow support. Thanks to Rev. Richard Rossow for thinking through creative worship and helping shape the final product. Thanks to Roxanne Smith for reading and praying all of the prayers and making substantive comments and encouragement. Thanks to Rev. Matt Hein for camaraderie and an excellent Palm Sunday sermon. Thanks to Conrad Gempf for creative writing and creative editing of midweek monologs. And special thanks to St. Luke Lutheran Church, Ann Arbor, MI, who were the first to worship with this Lenten material. This is a kit of all four Holy Week service kits (also sold separately) for At the Crossroads worship series for Palm Sunday (CRD2), Maundy Thursday (CRD4), Good Friday (CRD5) and Easter (CRD6), which includes all the orders of service, complete script for worship leaders, Bible readings, children’s sermons, sermons, and prayers on paper and on a CD-ROM (Mac/PC) with a .pdf and text of services and of bulletins in .rtf (rich text format), a list of contemporary music song suggestions and PowerPoint format for use on screens.
The download is a zip file. When opened it includes a .pdf of the entire series, text of the orders of service, prayers, dramas, commentaries, children's sermons, and hymns in .rtf (rich text format) and PowerPoint documents of all ten services with text (with a copyright release) for use on screens. Kits are not returnable.
Also available in print, code TW9.
Kits are not returnable.
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