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The Word Made Flesh Sermons for Advent - Digital Download

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The Word Made Flesh Sermons for Advent - Digital Download

Author: Jacob Torbeck

Publish Date: 8/1/2024
Product Number: WD7SDD
Format: Digital
Availability: DigitalFile

$ 29.99

In this worship series for Advent, we are reminded that Jesus came to us in the flesh and revealed his divine nature to us in physical substances we experience on earth. The Scripture-based theme for the entire series is “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

  • Week 1: Bread of Life: Jesus is born in Bethlehem, the House of Bread, to nourish and strengthen us in our faith and feed us with his Word of truth to fill our lives.
  • Week 2: Salt of the Earth: Jesus calls us to flavor the earth and to savor the good things that come from him through his birth.
  • Week 3: Rock of Ages: Jesus is our rock, a solid foundation on which to build a life of joy.
  • Week 4: Light of the World: Jesus brightens our lives through his birth, dispelling the darkness of sin to bring forgiveness to light.

This product includes the sermon only in .rtf (rich text format) and .pdf (portable document format)

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